Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Harpejji tone

More rocking string instruments!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Exertion Instruments

Noah Vawter has done it again.

Exertion Instruments are self-powered electronic instruments. Small cranks provide enough power to charge up a sound chip and and amplifier. Add custom instrument bodies, a few keys from control, and you've ended up with something beautiful.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Materials materials

Lots of construction options out there.

Snap together guitars?

People who buy google adwords on 'violin kit'!

International Violin Company

Stewmac has parts for violins, mandolins, guitars and dulcimers

Building kits galore

And this post on Make Blog lists:

80/20 - The industrial erector set

Microrax another badass aluminum set

Makerbeam - aluminum framework still coming together

Contraptor open source hardware kit

T slot aluminum is the bomb